#86 Kitty Newman and Klaudia Mitura, &Happiness Co-Hosts, on Placing Happiness First

Building trust and having the space to be creative is essential for any business to thrive. Today’s guests Kitty Newman and Klaudia Mitura have seen this impact operators firsthand, so I can’t wait to unpack what you can do to practically implement these values into your workplace.
As co-hosts of &Happiness, a podcast which explores what makes us happy, Kitty and Klaudia are obsessed with storytelling. Alongside the podcast, Kitty is the Director of creative digital marketing agency TrapezeMedia, and Klaudia is a work psychologist and a learning and development specialist. They also provide online training, including the popular Hospitality Reset Menu.
We discuss buying directly from brands, how restaurants track ROI from online marketing, the future of at-home restaurant experiences, and how to watch out for your ‘gremlins’.
& Happiness Podcast: https://www.andhappiness.co.uk/
Brighton Coffee Works: https://www.instagram.com/brightoncoffeeworks/
Dirty Bones: https://dirty-bones.com/
Rice Error: https://riceerror.com/
Episode 19: Social Media &Happiness: https://www.andhappiness.co.uk/episodes//episode-19-socialmedia
#72 Edd Heller, Founder of The Ethicurean Guild, and 100,000 meals for those in need: https://www.hospitalitymavericks.com/podcast/episode/1cc3c37c/72-edd-heller-founder-of-the-ethicurean-guild-and-100000-meals-for-those-in-need
Dent Accelerator: https://www.dent.global/accelerators/
‘Key Person of Influence’ by Daniel Priestley: https://amzn.to/3bjhTWG
‘Drive’ by Daniel Pink: https://amzn.to/2MDeacv
TrapezeMedia.co.uk: https://www.trapezemedia.co.uk/
Hospitality Reset Menu: https://www.trapezemedia.co.uk/reset-menu
Social Media Paid Ads Workshop: https://www.trapezemedia.co.uk/2nd-course
#71 Mark Smith, Founder of Double Up Social, on Telling Your Story: https://www.hospitalitymavericks.com/podcast/episode/1b3330d8/71-mark-smith-founder-of-double-up-social-on-telling-your-story
#34: Love It Or Leave It: Creating Workplace Happiness With Samantha Clarke: https://www.hospitalitymavericks.com/podcast/episode/4a14c886/34-love-it-or-leave-it-creating-workplace-happiness-with-samantha-clarke-happiness-consultant-author-and-founder-of-the-growth-and-happiness-school
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